Dream Warrior

In a conscious dream, I was focused on a golden skinned, bare chested, bald headed man, who sat relaxed on a stone, as he held a long spear. His mysterious golden eyes stared off into the distance. Suddenly, he turned his gaze toward me, an observer in the dream and not visible. He claimed, “I see you!”

This turn of events was quite surprising for me, and brought my awareness back into my body, awakening me from my sleep. I could still feel the force of his gaze on me and the words he threw in my direction. I began to realize what this could mean, if I could see him in his time, he could also see me. In other words, I am dreaming him, and he is dreaming me. Woah!

This dream visit was perhaps a time travel excursion to a parallel life. It felt like an important connection, and I wondered about his unusual golden eyes.

When I thought about it, they reminded me of the eyes of a lion.

Shortly after this mysterious dream, I facilitated a workshop in which I offered shamanic group dream journeys through each of the chakras, guided by the sound of the drum. While drumming for the crown chakra journey, my dream re-appeared immediately and my dream warrior, became a trusted guide. I found myself in the upper realm in an ancient temple, carved into the side of a mountain. Which I found upon later research, highly resembles the ancient Lycian tombs in Turkey, which were at one time part of the ancient Grecco-Roman World, as reflected in the architectural style of the tombs resembling Greek Temples.

Lycian Tombs Of Caunos, Dalyan, Mugla, Turkey

Carved into the side of this mountain is also perhaps the people who were buried in this tomb city. A relief carving shows a bald headed shirtless warrior holding a spear, much like my dream warrior.

Inside the temple, I was instructed to lay down on a stone platform in the center of the room. When I did, eight doors of golden light opened and surrounded me in the temple. My dream warrior came over next to me and shape shifted into a beautiful Lion with golden eyes, there to guard and protect me as I journeyed forth through the portals of light. I came out of the dream ceremony and my dream warrior was stood before me once again. He gave me a scroll, which I opened and it read, “Go Out!” A portal of golden light appeared, blazing before me, inviting me to step through once again. I have been given an initiation into the light, and an invitation to step through these solar portals, into further exploration of the heavenly realms.

Conversations with my Future Self

In another dream, I am aware that I am talking with my future self. I am at the time wondering if I have made the right decision in moving back and having doubts about my plans to be here again. My future self visits me in my dream and I can hear my own voice telling me, “You don’t have to worry, everything is going to turn out alright. You are just where you need to be.” In my dream, I feel empowered by the sound of the voice of my future self, giving me confidence and assurance and I feel supported and loved and I am amazed.

Last year, I had an unusual dream, where I saw my doppelganger or dream double. Since that dream, I have had a succession of interesting encounters which are helping me to learn more about connections with my higher self, my future self and the nature of parallel realities.


The Doppelganger 6-1-13

 I dreamt of seeing my doppelganger, a dream double. It was the first time I have ever seen one in a dream. My dream double was attending a gathering at a house I lived next door to, whew! a close call! I also knew what was going to happen next in the dream, as though I had access to the knowledge and life of my doppelganger. I wanted to make sure my dream double did not see me in the dream, as I wondered if it may portend death to do so. On my way to make a hasty exit from the scene, I ran into the director of school where I worked and another woman, who is the director of a school of metaphysics. They were having an interesting conversation about the nature of the higher self and the heart. The director of the school said to the director of the school of Metaphysics, ” We used to be able to “see” the connections of the heart and the higher self, and the two where made visible, one to the higher self and one also to Malkuth the guardian angel.” I shook my head in agreement, as I also wondered if I should try and make it back in my house before my visible dream double saw me!

I discovered upon more research that Malkulth is a name given to the place at the lowest station of the Tree of Life in the Cabala and represents the Kingdom. It is also the place that is known to be attributed to Uriel the guardian angel who is connected with earth and fire and seen to hold the light of god. He also holds a scroll of learning or perhaps teaching. Uriel is also my guardian angel. The dream double or doppelganger is one who lives in heaven or known as the higher self and watches over the one living on the earthly realm.

In another experience, I find myself in the midst of a waking vision and I hear a woman’s voice telling me I need to move back to Dallas to be with the man I love. I had at that time, taken another path and was living in another state. In my vision, I see myself living with him and we are happily reunited. I follow the guidance I am given and move back to reunite with my partner. We experience much joy in our reunion together. I did not think about it at the time, whose voice I was hearing, I was later to discover more. We decide to move back in together, and our search for a home begins. It is in the dreaming where our house is found first.

The House Where I Live 3-1-14

I am now at the house where I will be moving into, inside there is a man with whom I will live, but he is not my partner. He lives in one side of the house and his presence is one who is a master of the house. There is an otherworldly presence about him, he is surrounded by candle light and moves quickly, like light, throughout the house. He is mysterious and I never see his face. I wander into another part of the house, and find my bedroom there that I have not been using and it is a nice space and comfortably decorated, but does not have the same quality of light there, more like the gentle light of morning. I also see the bathroom which I like very much, it is a big open space and has mosaic tile work around the bathtub. I am very happy with the space where I live. I go outside the house to see the neighborhood, and walk around to the backyard. There is an archway where pink roses are covering it, and so many have grown that the stems are covering the entrance. The rosebush has been trimmed back from the ground up so that people may enter through the archway. I have a feeling this is a very special archway covered with so many roses and so much love. I am showing it to a dear friend of mine, with a sense of awe and excitement.


The house in my dream matches very much with the house I found for us to move into just a few weeks later. It has a studio in the front, where I now have my healing arts business located. My dear friend in the dream, also teaches at my studio. The house has a wonderful bathroom with a beautiful tile floor and an old claw foot tub reminiscent of my dream. It is also separated into two sides, much like my dream, and many people comment about the wonderful energy of the space. It is a space where angels have been seen in many of our dream journeys, a perfect place for healing.

In another dream, I am aware that I am talking with my future self. I am at the time wondering if I have made the right decision in moving back and having doubts about my plans to be here again. My future self visits me in my dream and I can hear my own voice telling me, “You don’t have to worry, everything is going to turn out alright. You are just where you need to be.” In my dream, I feel empowered by the sound of the voice of my future self, giving me confidence and assurance and I feel supported and loved and I am amazed.

I later dreamt about the nature of parallel lives –

Stretching Parallel Lives 8-12-14

I am in a dream with my partner and we are traveling somewhere together, it seems up toward British Columbia or Washington area. On our travels in the dream, I realize that I am experiencing multidimensional reality because I notice that with every decision made some of my energy gets split off into another dimension of time. I can see how this process of splitting makes the energy thinner in the reality I am living now. I am trying to find my way back to the reality I came from. There is one key object that will provide me with the orientation I need to return, but I don’t know what it is, I will know it when I see it. We are now traveling on a yacht in the ocean and there are humpback whales near us in the water, until we find ourselves cruising through a canal toward a harbor. There we can see the mountains, which are beautiful colors of red, green, brown, tan, yellow. I am looking at the mountains and walking up toward a wilderness area, and I see a bobcat come running toward me from a small cave. It is the den for this family of bob cats. Another bobcat comes running toward me soon after that. One jumps up to bite my left arm I am holding out to the side and the other jumps up to bite my right arm. I am aware that the animals know of my presence wherever I go, and allow me to see them, when they want to be seen. I am not concerned about the bobcats hanging off of my arms. 


In this dream, we are traversing places and scenes that my partner and I have experienced together on trips we have taken in waking reality together. Even the bobcat, was a familiar scene, when once one came to visit us in our backyard at our home at an urban setting in Dallas, Texas. Of course they did not hang from my arms and bite me as in my dream, but the dream narrative shows me this is their way of getting my attention and remind me that the animal powers are alive and with me. The stretching of energy is stretching my awareness of what is possible. Perhaps I don’t have to go anywhere to find it, perhaps it is sitting in my own backyard. I am stretching my reality to include connections with my higher self and my guardian angel as part of my every day life and allowing myself to be open to the powers of the other world to present themselves to me. I also felt an awareness in my dreaming, that my decisions can stretch my energy in divergent ways, if they are not in accord with my higher purpose. When I am in connection with my higher purpose all roads lead home. It’s good to be home.

Valley Reed © 2014

The River of Time

Magic Hour on Magic Mountain
Magic Hour on Magic Mountain

In a recent voyage to upstate New York, I  took part in an advanced shamanic gathering of students and teachers with Robert Moss. This magical mountain made of garnet has been the location for shamanic group exploration for nearly 20 years. The last time I had been part of this particular group was 13 years ago, when I attended the fall gathering following 9-11 and we opened pathways for those who had died in the tragedy of the twin towers to cross over.  This past weekend was just as powerful, only the person crossing over into a different reality this time, was me. The energy this community of Active Dreamers has grown over the years is palpable and one can feel the strength of it immediately upon entering the room where we gathered.

Over the weekend, we journeyed through the multiverse to explore the terrain Robert had set before us.  In his recent

The Boy Who Died and Came Back by Robert Moss
“The Boy Who Died and Came Back” by Robert Moss

book,  “The Boy Who Died and Came Back ~ Adventures of a Dream Archeologist in the Multiverse” he writes about his personal journey exploring other worlds in non-ordinary reality, through his connection with several near death experiences as a boy. He goes further, to explain a model of how the multiverse may be structured and that time is not linear, all things and all lives are being lived, Now! This fascinating book, is a manual for how to navigate the mulitverse. Once you are there, you may learn about how  to connect with your higher self, the double in heaven, or become aware of parallel lives playing out, where other choices were made and paths taken.  It’s ultimately about bringing more of your energy and your self into this reality.  Robert Moss shows us many pathways for doing so in his wonderful style of storytelling and exploration as a dream archeologist.

One of the places for Time Travel and exploration he describes is a location known as the House of Time. It is a location in the imaginal realm where Active Dreamers have traveled through time, exploring connections in other lives and dimensions. We went on a visit there in our conscious shamanic group dreaming and here is an excerpt from one of my journeys;

The Mongol Warrior Woman Shaman 4/12/14 Magic Mountain

I approach the steps of the House of Time and each one gives way beneath my feet to create a flat surface, I am not going up the stairs, the up is coming down to meet me. I arrive in the courtyard where I see the House of Time before me surrounded by grounds, where there is a flowering orchard of trees and a quiet river flowing through. I approach the river and see the sun light reflecting on the water, a face of light comes through the water reaching toward me like a mask of light. I find myself in a wild landscape in the steppes of Mongolia.

I am a woman warrior shaman, guardian of these ancestral lands and borders. I also protect the psychic lands and borderlands from invasion of psychic warfare. I am small in frame, but not in stature. I have long, wild, thick, black, hair and long muscular arms. My hair has many thin long braids woven with amulets and bells. My face is set against the sun.  I am tracking a small dust cloud in the distance, whipped up by the approach of many warriors on horseback, who come to invade these sacred lands.

I am a Master of the elements through my dance of power, my weapon is the weather, my duty is to protect.  I am one, standing strong, amongst many enemies who want to take these lands for their own. I have all that is needed to fulfill my duty and protect my ancestral lands.

The storm clouds are gathering.  I am moving energy and gathering the elements of water all around me and into my body. Once I have gathered this power within myself, I send it up into the clouds through my dance of power. I summon the winds as the clouds grow heavy with rain, the sky becomes dark as night as the storm draws near my approaching enemy. The lightning strikes in the midst of their thundering horde. Horses rearing up, dumping their riders, in the chaos of running frantically for shelter from the storm. The fear this storm brings upon my enemies, causes them to loose courage. They frantically seek escape from the massive storm that has suddenly descended upon them. The storm clears the air, and any psychic energy that was intended to try and defeat the powerful Mongol Warrior Woman Shaman.

I have been visited by this Mongol Woman Shaman on several other occasions, during Kundalini yoga classes. I was very glad to see her come through again in this journey. She has a very high energy field and she requires a high energy vibration, in order to meet with her.  I feel my connection with her has now strengthened and I am keenly interested in learning more from her.

Valley Reed © 2014

Mongolian Steppe Storm by Ruben D. Mascaro
Mongolian Steppe Storm by Ruben D. Mascaro